Dental crowns in Seattle

what are dental crowns?

A dental crown is a protective covering for a damaged or vulnerable tooth. Whether your tooth has undergone dental trauma, needs a large filling due to untreated decay, or has undergone root canal treatment, a dental crown can add considerable strength, durability, and protection from the forces of everyday wear and tear.
A crown acts like a cap that covers all surfaces of the tooth to prevent further damage. It can also hold a dental bridge in place or serve as the crown restoration in a dental implant. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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Did you know…

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Dental crowns can be made of many materials, such as porcelain, ceramic, metal, zirconia, or a combination.

Ready to schedule a consultation?

Call (206) 633-4007 today!

How it works: The dental crown process

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At your consultation with Dr. Moin, your tooth will be examined and x-rays can reveal if there is any present tooth decay or gum disease.

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To prepare your tooth for the dental crown, we will need to trim the surfaces of your tooth. This enables us to fit the 2mm thick crown on top.


Impressions will be taken of your tooth and sent to a dental lab that creates your dental crown. Your natural tooth is used as a mold to create the crown. We’ll place a temporary crown until your official one is ready.

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After a few weeks, your official dental crown will be ready. We will have you check the fit and appearance and if it looks good, we can cement it into place.

Have questions about Dental crowns? Find answers here.

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what are the benefits of dental crowns?

Dental crowns can protect a severely damaged or vulnerable tooth from breaking or becoming more damaged. If you've had irreversible pulpitis, causing a dead tooth, the placement of a crown prevents it from breaking under the force of chewing.

Crowns also offer aesthetic benefits in addition to restorative ones. Some people choose to place a dental crown for purely cosmetic reasons, to cover up a discolored or oddly shaped tooth. We can match the shade of your crown to your natural teeth.

Because dental crowns are so durable, they last much longer than cosmetic and other restorative options like fillings, veneers, and dental bonding. When a tooth has a large filling, this means most of the natural tooth structure is missing. A dental crown can be placed for additional strength and protection.

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how do I care for my dental crown?

Dental crowns are typically very strong, durable, and stain-resistant, but that doesn’t mean they’re invincible. Some materials are more prone to chipping or cracking, such as porcelain or ceramic crowns. 

They can also become stained over time, even if they’re less likely to stain than your natural teeth. Reduce your consumption of staining foods and drinks and avoid smoking. Be mindful of the foods you are eating - hard and sticky foods can break or dislodge your dental crowns. 

You should never use your teeth to open packages or bite on objects - your teeth are for chewing food, not household items. If you suffer from bruxism, you will need to wear a mouthguard when you sleep. Teeth grinding will wear away at your crowns or even break them over time.

Practice good oral hygiene by regularly brushing twice and flossing once a day. Visit the dentist every 6 months for regular cleanings and checkups.

Did you know…

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The average lifespan of a dental crown is 5-15 years.

Interested in dental crowns?

Call (206) 633-4007 to book an appointment